
Irving High SchoolWorld Geography

Coach Good


Course Title: World Geography


Course DescriptionThe primary goal of this course is to improve students understanding of geography and how it affects their life today. A secondary goal is to improve student writing, speaking, reasoning, and presentation skills. Students will focus on various parts of the globe, examining major world events, ideas, and issues that have shaped our modern world. At the end of this course, students will have completed their study of World Geography and should be prepared for World History.


Objectives: Students will be able to:

  • Explain the importance of geographers and what they do
  • List the 5 themes of geography and its purpose
  • Define geography terms with examples
  • Demonstrate correlations between cultures and geography


Grading Scale and Policy:

Points shall be awarded for homework, cooperative leaning (group work), quizzes, tests, exams, and participation.  See the student handbook for more information.

The class will consist of a minimum of 2 major test grades (summative) each six weeks. We will have also a minimum of 5 homework/daily work grades (formative) each six weeks.



Summative............ 60% (presentations, District Assessments and projects)

Formative ............. 40% (Homework, weekly quizzes, Journal checks, class work)


Late assignments:

Assignments will be considered late if they are not handed in at the beginning of class/when collected. This includes if the assignment was in a locker, at home or anywhere else but the classroom. The assignment automatically loses 10 points, so your grade will start at a 90 and go down. The assignment will lose 10 points per day late.  After 3 days the assignment will not be accepted without a note documenting extenuating circumstances.  


Extra Credit:

Extra credit will be offered to periodically to students who need it. It is due one week before the end of the six weeks. You may choose to do a mini world geography project, a written essay on the critical analysis of human and environmental interaction or complete your own independent study which will be subject to my approval and fall in line with the current 6 weeks curriculum.



Correcting failed grades:

Any formative or homework assignment that is below a 70 can be made up. The assignment will need to be corrected and accompanied with a 3 -4 sentence explanation for each problem missed explaining how you know your answer is NOW correct and the old answer is wrong. Be sure to adequately demonstrate mastery of your understanding. Corrected assignments will be due two days later. (If you get your paper or quiz Monday and see it is failing, you have to bring it back by Wednesday corrected to get the failing grade replaced with a passing 70 grade)

Tardy Log: Late students will need to sign and date the tardy log when they enter the classroom.

  • If you are not in class when the bell rings, you will have to go to a tardy station to get a pass for class.
  • If you are more than 10 minutes late to class, you will be counted absent for that class period.



 Student Connection: You and your parents should monitor your grades regularly by accessing the online grade book, student connect.  Much of the feedback I give is only available online.

Materials: writing utensils, eraser, paper, and a composition notebook.


Classroom Expectations:


  • Follow directions the first time given
  • Be respectful of every individual within the classroom at all times
  • You may use your cell phone and laptop during designated times ONLY
  • Food and beverages are not allowed
  • Use in-class work time wisely and put forth your best effort on all assignments
  • Turn in all assignments on time and completed
  • Remain in your assigned seat
  • Follow all school expectations


Discipline Levels: Teacher will use the levels at his own discretion based on the offense and regularity of the same offense (parent contact may occur at any step).

1. Warning

2. Student / Teacher conference

3. Parent contact

4. Student / Dean conference

5. Detention

6. Referral to principal






I acknowledge that I have read and reviewed with my parents/guardians the above World Geography syllabus and agree to abide by the rules and procedures stated in these pages.


Student Name:                                                                                                                                  


Student Signature:                                                                                                                             



Guardian Name:                                                                                                                                


Guardian Signature:                                                                                                                           


Email address contact info: ____________                                                                          





Contact Information:    

I can be reached using the following methods:




Phone: (972) 600-6300

Conference Period: 2nd period

Tutoring Times: If you need to come in for tutorials, please see me so we can set up a time. I have athletics before and after school, so tutoring will need to be by appointment.


This syllabus is a tentative outline of this course and may be changed as deemed necessary by the instructor.

All campus wide expectations, rules and consequences apply also.